
05 May 2015

Fabric Tuesday: Cotton and Steel Sew Together Bag

If you're interested, my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway is here. It's a good one. I promise.

I'm really enjoying the whole Instagram swap world. I received this gorgeous Open Wide Pouch for that swap:

And here is my latest for my partner in the Sew Together Bag Swap.

She's a Cotton and Steel fan, so that's what I used. Oh, and she likes animals too, so I found this cute little fox (or kitty?) zipper charm.

Shipped off with some super yummy salted caramel goodies, and the cutest little mason jar filled with Wonder Clips.

So come on over the Instagram and find some swaps to join.

Oh, checking this one off the 2QFAL list.


  1. Oh man... I'm LOVING both these bags!! I really need to try one of these "sew together" bags. Once I get through my "must do" list...

  2. So great!!!!! I love these!!

  3. your sew together bag is awesome!

    happy sewing ~ Tracy

  4. I like your color combo I like your colors, and the zippers add personality. Cute!

  5. I am experiencing some serious Sew-Together bag envy---great fabric choices and your bag is amazing.

  6. That's a lovely sew together bag. I love all those fabrics you've used on the inside. What a great finish. I'm visiting as a member of the official 2015 Finish-Along cheerleading squad.


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball