
04 September 2012

Make-A-List Monday: Hey, it was a holiday

Not that we did anything special on Labor Day, but I gave myself the day off from blogging. Since I'm the boss, I get to do these things. Since I don't get a day off from anything else in my world, I'm allowed.

What was on my list last week?

  • Finish toddler quilt.
 Done. Blogged here, but here's a picture of it:

I love it. Baby girl loves it. I love that sort of outcome!
  • Get distracted by packages arriving in the mail.
 This wasn't hard at all. This stack of gorgeousness arrived and I couldn't stop touching it and playing with it.

I'm on the look-out for a truly stunning quilt for my daughter's bed. Maybe even two if I use some white (or, dare I say it, gray?) in there. Any ideas? I need something that has fairly big blocks, since there are some big prints that beg to be fussy cut. Here's what I was thinking.

Source: via Jennie on Pinterest

Or this:

Source: via Jennie on Pinterest

Or this:

Or this:

Or this:

I'm really leaning towards this one at the moment:

  • Cut and sew a Superman library bag for my littlest guy.
Not done. Fabric didn't arrive. Boo to that! I ordered it from through Amazon and it still isn't here. Never mind that I placed an order with Fat Quarter Shop and Green Fairy Quilts on the same day and they both arrived within 2-3 days. This order has taken nearly 2 weeks, and it's a whole lot smaller than the FQS one. Grrr.
  • Cut fabric, interfacing and fusible fleece for sewing machine cover and table mat.
Done, and I even got started on this project. Pincushion is all finished. Waiting on my piping so I can get the rest finished.

  • Cut more Lucy triangles (when fabric arrives).
Done. Got a big ol' gorgeous stack of triangles now. I'll lay them out next week, I hope.

  • Sew up my project bags for the Sewing Buddy challenge.
Kinda got sidetracked making my pincushion. But they are there. Waiting.
  • Cut out dresses for my oldest girl. Using this pattern, and I'm so excited for it. 
Got the skirt and waistband cut, but I need to cut the bodice and get started. She's super excited for these dresses.

Okay. So not bad. Now for this week:
  • Piece the red Minky back for my son's R2D2 quilt (as soon as that *#%& fabric arrives)
  • Baste his quilt
  • Figure out how the heck I'm going to quilt it (maybe I should do that while I wait!)
  • Finish thread catcher and sewing mat for Sewing Buddy challenge
  • Sew up project bags for Sewing Buddy challenge
  • Cut out bodice for my daughter's dresses
  • Cut binding for string quilt and R2D2 quilt
  • Cut and sew library bag for my little Superman
Oh, and here's another finish for you. I would have blogged it last week, but my camera battery died and some little person, who is cute nonetheless, stole my charger. I was almost forced to subject you to my horrid cell phone pictures when my amazing husband surprised me Saturday night with this:
I'm more than a little excited about it. People who say that it's not the camera, it's the photographer, are, well, in my opinion, liars. That's like saying that it's the chef, not the stove. I acknowledge the training and skill it takes to snap great pictures. But give a chef a campfire and expect them to create an equally delicious meal and they are begging for their professional stove. Just saying. I'm already getting better pictures with the auto settings on this one than I ever was with my little point and shoot. For good reason.

So I'm just arguing that anyone can learn to take great pictures, but it does start with a decent camera. I know this one isn't anywhere near as fancy (or as expensive) as they get, but it's a starter one for me.

Okay, so on to the finish. Mark this Christmas quilt off the list. Wish I had some fake snow to make it more festive, but we'll deal. Or not. If you want to send me nasty-grams, go ahead. But it's September, so I might not pay any attention because I'm listening to my favorite Christmas albums.

My oldest two are arguing over who gets to sleep with this already. Might have to make another one?

Linking up for Fabric Tuesday over at Quilt Story. Check it out - they have an adorable Out to Sea quilt on display!


  1. oh boy that stack of gorgeousness is something! I think it was look awesome with grey and that first quilt with the triangles would be super. Well the second was really good, and the third, forth.....ys how fun to have choices :)

  2. So great! I love the Christmas quilt! What pattern did you use? Your quilting looks really pretty too! Is it free motion? Swirls?

  3. Love, love, love that pin cushion. The hand stitching around the sides is the perfect detail!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball