
12 October 2012

Friday Finish: You've Got to be Kidding Me!

Just one more day for my giveaway! Winner announced tomorrow!

'Kay, let me vent, pretty please?

No one could be more tired of the Minky fiasco that has go on around here. I thought I'd solved it. I found a seller on ebay and the Minky actually arrived on my doorstep. I thought this was an improvement on the stuff that never showed. Twice.

I was wrong. What the what? I ordered five yards. So I got five yards of half the width of the fabric, or two full yards, full WOF and one yard half the width. Are you confused yet?

I admit my mistake. I should have read the ebay listing more closely. In my defense, I'd like to say that I don't know of anyone, anywhere, who cuts and sells fabric this way. I thought I was buying a full yard. Like, the entire width of the fabric, not half. This was just baffling to me. And completely useless.

See, I finished my Halloween zig zag quilt top.

Measured it and got out my orange Minky to cut and piece the back. And I get the L-shaped nightmare. Seriously. I have nightmares where I'm being chased by an L-shaped orange piece of Minky. Not good.

I'm sending it back, because it is absolutely useless.

And so I drowned my sorrows in bag making. Not as tasty as chocolate or ice cream, but so much healthier.

Out of the Minky travesty came these cuties:

My kids question if they are big enough for the candy haul they are intent on. I say one full bag is plenty.

And they're so cute!

The boys get the spiderwebs:

The girls get the owls:

And I get the leftovers.

Just for fun. No trick-or-treating for me. I just wanted one too. I used Ayumi's tutorial again and did them assembly line style. I did make them a smidge deeper (to accommodate all that candy, right?), but I just love love love how they turned out.

And, hey, I can mark this one off the 4Q FAL list, and the 100 Day Hustle. How cool is that?

And now to the weekend. I wish I could say I had plans, but they've all been put on hold. Someone was kind enough to share a fun little virus with us called hand, foot, and mouth disease. Yeah, not thrilled. Baby girl's birthday is going to have to wait until she's feeling better. So far, just two are sick. I'm holding my breath, and disinfecting every last surface in the house. Over and over again. Not fun.

I think I'll make some fall-ish just because gifts. Just for fun. And watch more Downton Abbey re-runs. Am I the only one who obsesses over Mary's eyebrows? I want them. And the clothes. Especially any of her red dresses.

Cannot. Freakin'. Wait. Weddings? Kisses? Shirley MacLaine? Lovely.

Speaking of Downton, have you seen these three cross stitch patterns?

Source: via Jennie on Pinterest
Source: via Jennie on Pinterest

This one is my favorite:

Source: via Jennie on Pinterest

Linking up with Crazy Mom Quilts and Sarah at Confessions. Thanks to both you ladies for motivating me to get things done each week.


  1. How frustrating!

    On the plus side it will be a great quilt. Someday!

    I have yet to see Downton. It's on my short list!

  2. I feel bad for you! I cannot believe that the minky situation has gone on this long! I feel bad, because I am surrounded by the stuff, though I will admit that I don't know if I've ever seen orange...

  3. Hi!!! Crazy about the minky fun...but those bags are adorable!!!!

  4. That just sucks lemons..and sick kiddos on top of it all. I was surprised you didn't uncork a bottle, but that's what I would've done. Hope everyone's on the mend soon!

  5. sorry about the minky fiasco. Who in the (bleep) would sell fabric cut like that?? Oh well, it made for an interesting blog post! Love the trick or treat bags and I think you should have some candy for yourself. Thanks for the Downton trailer - can't wait!!

  6. Shame about the 'bad' fabric but the quilt top is stunning :) love the cute bags too!

  7. Oh, my! My little girls and I got hand, foot, and mouth disease 10 or 12 years ago. The way we all smelled absolutely choked me--at least as bad as chicken pox smell, maybe worse (because the memory is fresher?). I hope you all heal very, very quickly!!!!

  8. Crazy about the Minky!! LOVE the bags though :) I might need to make one for my candy!


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball