
09 October 2012

4Q FAL List {made while singing "I like big lists and I cannot lie"}

I needed an extra day to get all my pictures taken. As some of these are repeats, I thought the least I could do was take a new picture. Although not all of them are new pictures. Forgive me. I started to feel I was wasting valuable sewing time ironing a bunch of quilt tops for pictures. Oh, and if you're looking for the giveaway, it's over here.

Yep, it's the 4th quarter and I've got a doozy of a list. The impending holidays will do that to you, especially if your kids are like my kids and want to listen to "Jingle Bells" already. They get it from me.

I had an amazingly productive weekend prepping projects, making sure things were all cut out so that I can just sew my little heart out now. I find that I don't often get large chunks of time to sew, so I'd rather have everything prepped and ready to go so that when I do find 15 minutes here and there, I don't have to worry about cutting something.

Last quarter, I finished nine of the 20 projects. I could have had two more finished if the Great Minky Debacle hadn't happened. As it is, I am happy to say that 15 yards of red and orange Minky have arrived at my house, so clearly the Minky sanctions imposed on this corner of Idaho have been lifted. Did a little happy dance when that box arrived, let me tell you!

I do better with a bigger list, so here it is, in all it's overly-ambitious glory:
  • My Halloween zig zag quilt: up first for obvious reasons.
  • My Halloween spider web quilt: again, duh?
  • My son's R2D2 quilt
  • Trick-or-Treat bags for my trick-or-treaters
  • The Sunkissed Granny Squares quilt - going to be hand-quilting this. My mom is coming to visit in November, so I'll ask her to bring her little quilt frame so I can work on this while watching reruns of Downton. Will January EVER get here?
  • Lucy's Crab Shack triangle quilt - the top is done, so now I need to acquire a back and baste, bind and quilt.
  •  Some Lucy triangle bathmats with the leftover triangles.
  •  My yellow and orange string quilt that needs to be on my bed because my popsicle of a husband is freezing. If I get this done and on the bed, maybe he'll let me sleep with the window open a crack. Maybe. 

    The trouble is, I need a huge empty floor space to baste this monster. I keep meaning to go up to my church and use the gym floor, but I really can't do it with five sets of feet running around. But the goal is to get it done in time for the Blogger's Quilt Festival on the 23rd (am I right?). So I'd better get a move on!
  • Easy as cake Christmas quilt: if you'll recall, I complicated things adding that extra border, so I've got new backing plans (the Minky is popular around here these days) and will get this baby quilted up now.
  • Holiday Hostess Christmas quilt - acquire the backing (methinks red and white polka dot minky), baste, bind and quilt
  • Richard Scarry quilt #1
  • Richard Scarry quilt #2 - same quilt, different backing for different son
  • My super cha-cha tree skirt: cut and ready to gather and stitch. So. Freakin'. Excited. Just like this one, only red and aqua from Cherry Christmas.
  •  My Cowgirl Salt Water Taffy quilt - a small hiccup that will require more fabric, but etsy to the rescue and I'll be finishing this top soon. Going to back it in hot pink Minky for my baby girl to use on her big girl bed later next year.
  • Dare I put my Sew Cherry Granny Squares on the list again? I want to at least get the borders on this quilt before the end of the year.

  • A Max and Whiskers quilt for my dog-loving little nephew for Christmas: it's cut and ready to piece. I'll back it in chocolate brown Minky for super snuggle factor. My brother's family has a three-legged Weimaraner named Hilde that is his best friend, so this fabric is perfect.
  • My red string quilt - at least make some progress on it!
  • New stockings for the whole fam damily. Because they need to coordinate with my new tree skirt. Silly. Don't make me explain. My husband doesn't even get an explanation. 
  • A collection of Christmas gift bags (trying to avoid the whole mess of wrapping paper this year). I'm going to use these two tutorials: A Quilting Life and In Color Order.
  • A Weekender Bag for me. Pink dandelions and ticking stripe. Could it get any better?

  • A duffel bag for each of my children for Christmas. Maybe one for me too.
  • Finally, finish this cake slice wall hanging. It's about dang time - and if I don't, my baby girl will just wander off with the blocks again.

I expect to get quite a bit done in October and November and then a huge push in December. Fortunately, we're staying home for all holidays, so I'll get to have a supervising adult in the house while I sew. I've asked, like I do every year, for sewing time for Christmas. My law student gets almost an entire month off in December/early January, so there's no reason he can't give me a couple of days of child-free sewing.

Linking up at Quilter in the Gap for the final party - come on over with your list. Prizes for finishes - what could be better?


  1. Great projects! Love all the festive Halloween fabrics :) I'm ready for Christmas music too!

  2. Do you actually plan to sleep? My gosh woman, I'm tired just reading about it!

  3. The title is too funny! I am assuming it is the Sir Mix a Lot song on my iPod. I need a nap after reading your list! I have three quilts I want to finish for Christmas and a couple of small projects for gifts and I feel like it is too much for me!

  4. OMG.

    First- love the new title since I my reading of this post earlier today, and so many more photos! It was like a whole new post.

    Second- that is a LIST. I really need to make a list. It would have lots of small things on it, while yours has lots of big things on it. I bet you'd still get more done than me.

    Good luck!!

  5. I love that you've asked for 'sewing time' for Christmas ... I'm taking tomorrow off work - a day's leave ... just to sew :D

  6. Now that's an impressive list! I'm in love with the orange-yellow quilt and I love the shot with the blue sky in the background! All your projects look gorgeous, you're so inspiring! Can't wait to see your finished products :)


"The more things you do, the more you can do."

Lucille Ball