Katie's blue palette - love those names: Breakers, Oasis, Alegria. So pretty!
Kirsten's blue palette - see the dolphins? It's amazing that we all did a picture of the ocean and got completely different shades of blue.
And now, for purple. Or violet. Or whatever you want to do.
I really should let my eldest daughter do this one. Purple is her favorite color after all. I struggle with it.
Which is why I did this one. That also included aqua and macarons.
Not too shabby. I actually kind of love it. I've got quilty ideas blazing through my head for this one. How's about this quilt (from Fresh Lemon Quilts):
Now, your turn. Find a purple-liscious picture, save it, upload it to the Palette Builder, play with colors. Then save your picture, blog it and share. And next week will just be a favorite picture, so start thinking!
Really love the purple with the aqua - it would be a stunning combo for a quilt!